The World Is My Family – I’m Not Afraid

The peace opera “Candelescence” features a central character named “Twimfina”. Although she has just graduated from high school, she is already a force of nature.

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“Twimfina” (twim-FEE-nuh) is an acronym for: “The World Is My Family – I’m Not Afraid” (also the name of a song in the opera). Before Candelescence evolved into an opera, it was a musical play titled “Twimfina“.

When Twimfina was a little girl, she appeared in a story about a commune of deterministic science students titled: “Aren’t We The Lucky Ones”.

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Although both books are available for purchase on Amazon (Machinists Union Press), they may be freely downloaded by clicking on either book-cover above.

The peace opera Candelescence supersedes these earlier books which are no longer available:

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